Work on the Altona Sports Centre – Hobsons Bay’s premier basketball and netball stadium – in Altona Meadows is progressing well. Long sections of the exterior concrete walls have been erected and the first of the roof trusses secured. Four new courts are being added to the stadium, taking the number of indoor courts to 10. The tender, won by …
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Hobsons Bay has nearly 27,000 trees in its parks and another 45,000 in the streets. There are thousands of other trees on private land and in conservation areas. All up, it is estimated by RMIT the Hobsons Bay municipality has a canopy cover of 7.9 per cent of its total land area. That makes it one of the worst in …
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Work should begin on the park in front of the Mosque in Blenheim Road, Newport, this financial year. Council has allocated $250,000 in the 2020-21 Budget to begin the upgrade after conducting two community consultation sessions last year to ascertain local residents’ views. This year’s Budget allocation includes the installation of public toilets on the park. The work should carry …
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The Level Crossing Removal Project proponents have snubbed the Williamstown community over a sensible design for the Ferguson Street crossing. The Hobsons Bay City Council adopted a design for the North Williamstown station precinct at its August 11 council meeting, based on the Williamstown community’s aspirations for the area. Importantly, it included retention of the heritage east station building and …
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One of Williamstown’s historic maritime icons will get a facelift this year. The Tide Gauge House in Commonwealth Reserve will have its masonry cleaned and the mortar repaired as part of a conservation project. It will also include installation of interpretive signage. The Tide Gauge House was built about 1857 with labour from prisoners held on the prison hulks moored …
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Demolition of the Spotswood Football and Cricket pavilion at Donald McLean Reserve has finally occurred, paving the way for construction to begin on its replacement. The new pavilion will include a much bigger social space, easing the pressure on the often overcrowded football and cricket events in the rooms after matches. It is all part of an $8 million redevelopment …
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Work has now been completed on the new rugby pitches, floodlights and changerooms at the Paisley campus of Bayside College in West Newport. Hobsons Bay City Council and the State Government both shared in the cost of the redevelopment, about $2.5 million. It includes a drainage and irrigation system for the pitches and competition grade lights, allowing rugby matches to …
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I welcome the release of the Inner West Air Quality Community Reference Group’s report on air quality which has been a detriment to Hobsons Bay. It is now time for the State Government to clean up unwarranted pollution in the west which has emanated from landfill, heavy industry, waste storage sites and other polluting sources. One of the particularly worrying …
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Trees, trees, trees. We can’t plant enough trees. But we can certainly give it a good try. When I joined the Hobsons Bay City Council in 1999, the municipality had about 64,000 trees in its streets and reserves. The level of street tree planting was recognised as low at the time. When Hobsons Bay was hit by the millennium drought, …
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The playground at Edwards Reserve in South Kingsville is taking shape and should be opened by the end of August. It will make a great little park and I know some kids are itching for it to open. It was supposed to open about the end of August but with Covid-19 restrictions, I am not sure exactly when kiddies will …
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