Work should begin on the park in front of the Mosque in Blenheim Road, Newport, this financial year.
Council has allocated $250,000 in the 2020-21 Budget to begin the upgrade after conducting two community consultation sessions last year to ascertain local residents’ views.
This year’s Budget allocation includes the installation of public toilets on the park.
The work should carry on beyond next June, with another $1.8 million tentatively scheduled to be spent on the majority of the work, subject to 2021-22 Budget approval.
The public park should blend in with the iconic Australian Islamic Centre at the rear of the site and the new sports grounds at Bayside College to the north.
Council has just completed renovation of Blenheim Road south of Woods Street and formalised car parking on the west side of the street in front of the public park and college in preparedness for visitors to both of the new facilities.